How would you like to apply?
You can complete your entire application online.
Your details will be entered automatically.
If you don’t have a DigiD, you will have to apply in person.
You can apply for a DigiD at the same time as your passport or ID card. You will get more information about this later in the process.
Do you have an eIDAS for another EU country? You can use it here to login and complete your application online.
You don't need DigiD.
Call us on +31 247 247 247 or contact us in an other way
For travel worldwide
For travel within the EU, EEA/Schengen and Switzerland
Download your checklist or send it to your e-mail address.
To apply for a new travel document, you must make an appointment in person so that your identity can be checked.
You have chosen to apply at an external service provider. You will have to pay an additional service fee.
Click on any day with a green dot to see available slots:
If you leave your telephone number we can send you a reminder of your appointment via SMS.
Your application
To be paid
1 passport adult
Service fee Perth
Total amount:
You can make the most of your appointment by applying for other services as well, such as applying for a DigiD.
This will make it easier to apply for and to renew online documents such as driving license. It means you don't have to apply in person at the embassy anymore.
Wij hebben uw aanvraag voor een bijstandsuitkering in behandeling genomen. Binnen 8 weken krijgt u een beslissing op uw aanvraag. Heeft u recht op bijstand? Dan krijgt u dit vanaf het moment dat u de aanvraag heeft gedaan.
Please note: you have chosen to apply at an external service provider. You will have to pay an additional service fee.
Please note: you have chosen to apply without DigiD. This means you can not complete this application online and have to submit it in person.